Holy Joe

There was in our Battalion a sergeant whose name I have long since forgotten, but who was known by all as ‘Holy Joe’ due to his religious and pious nature. He was a man of about forty and was in charge of the G1098 store wherein was kept all manner of items such as picks, shovels, spades, rope, chain, timber and the like. He seldom emerged from his domain and was never known to swear, drink or to indulge in the usual soldierlike, or even less, sergeant-like activities!

On the occasion which is the subject of this epistle, Holy Joe was performing the duties of Battalion Orderly Sergeant.The clock reached 23.00 hrs, time for ‘Lights Out’, and the duty Bugler marched out to the middle of the parade ground, accompanied by the B.O.S., Holy Joe.The bugler sounded ‘lights out’ twice, in the prescribed manner and there was the customary reluctance from the barrack blocks around the square to comply. After a minute or so Holy Joe began to lose patience and shouted “Put those lights out “C” company” – silence. “Put those lights out “A” company”. Again silence. He then turned his attention to my area. “Put those lights out Support company”. A moment’s hesitation and came the reply loud and clear “BOLLOCKS!” Holy Joe exploded in a paroxysm of indignation. “Who shouted that filthy word? Who shouted BOLLOCKS?!” The whole battalion came to life! Lights came on everywhere. People were laughing, cheering, whistling and shouting, “Say it again, we didn’t hear”. I had to feel sorry though, for the bugler standing beside him and trying to keep a straight face! This has to be one of the funniest things I have ever heard.

Listen to Lights Out
Sample from www.farmersboys.com